I started this website in February of 2014. The idea of having this site is to showcase my photographic work and of course, sell it. This site does not sell other artists and photographers work, it is dedicated rather selfishly to my own work only.

I have a keen interest in nature and love to photograph plants and flowers as well as land and seascapes. But my interest is not limited to that. Here on the site you will find many different types of images covering a vast range of subjects presented in an wide range of styles. All available as products to buy and enjoy.

I work alone. Just me and my camera, a tripod and packed lunch and off I go to find new and interesting scenes, be they in the countryside or the middle of a city, a winding stream, a gushing river or an open ocean. I am planning to learn to scuba dive so that even those scenes under water do not escape me. I am also joining an astrology club with the aim of photographing the heavens too. Such enthusiasm, please do come back to how these plans turn out! Will the closest I get to under water photography be a goldfish in a bowl at the local aquarium or sharks off the Great Barrier reef or just some Cod and chips from my local, and very excellent, take away? I don’t know but I will probably try all of that if I get the chance.

For those that really want to know, I am not a young, fresh out of university guy. I am, although quite frankly I find it shocking, over 50! What’s that about? When did all those years rush by? Well according to my birth certificate they have and so I decided to become a photographic artist whilst I still have my eye sight and the reasonable use of my body. I have spent a great deal of time over the past decades walking around the lake district in the north of the UK as well as the south west and south east happily snapping trees and plants for my own enjoyment. On my trips to the USA and Europe I have taken thousands of photographs of things I found interesting, but rarely taking any of people, meaning the people I have been on holiday with. I tend to forget to photograph them. There is always something far more intriguing that captures my eye than a sunburnt friend or relative smiling directly into the lens with an inane grin desperate to prove to the world that they had a nice time, despite the sun burn and the gippy tummy and the row at 3am over the fact that they have spend the entire holiday doing exactly what so and so wants to and have seen nothing of places or done any of the things they wanted to. No, I don’t usually take those kinds of photographs.

That does not mean that I never photograph people, just not often and not usually posed and the subject is almost never aware that I am in fact photographing them. That said it is a rare thing that people are the subjects of my work. Buildings and objects, man made and natural are far more my thing.

I really hope you like my work and come back regularly to see new pieces and of course make the odd purchase, for which I thank you in advance.